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we sometimes mistake familiarity for comfort

It happens all too often​​​​​​​​

that we enter into situations and circumstances, ​​​​​​​​

and stay in them​​​​​​​​

because we have mistaken familiarity ​​​​​​​​

for comfort;​​​​​​​​

for safety;​​​​​​​​

and even security​​​​​​​​


If we have grown up in dysfunctional, abusive, neglectful, or emotionally dysregulated homes, where our primary attachment figures have been sources of emotional and physical harm, it is not unusual for people to engage in patterns of unhealthy adult relationships.​​​​​​​​


Similarly, it is very common amongst us to mistake habitual thoughts for truth.​​​​​​​​


And the longer, more consistently and unquestioningly we have kept these thoughts active, the more deeply entrenched they become and thus the more they come to be associated with our truths.​​​​​​​​



It serves us very well to practice awareness​​​​​​​​

to learn the difference between these;​​​​​​​​

to seek true comfort, true safety and security​​​​​​​​

and to feel for the truth of who we are​​​​​​​​


And as much as possible, make our choices from that place​​​​​​​​



❤️ j.​​​​​​​​

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