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New Moon Musings - February 2023

I have been having a lot of conversations with people about their experience of this NM – since my post and in the Co-Labs – and most of us are feeling the energy pretty intensely

So I thought I would share a little about what I’m feeling, what others have shared, and a little guidance as you are moving through this shifting of tides

We are in the last month of the astrological year, so endings, culminations, transitions are figuring strongly in the energy around us.

As are new beginnings, fresh starts, new directions and revitalized energy for projects and pursuits

It’s an exciting time, full of potential and possibility, a time to reflect and reassess, and to feel into what is to come.

Some of us are feeling the urge to jump into something new, move in new directions, or commit with renewed vigor to our paths

and for others it is a subtle awareness that where we are has a shelf life – which might be a new realization for some of you

Some cataclysmic events come in the form of powerful knowing or singular transformative events, and sometimes they are subtle, nuanced shifts in our lives

Both are just right.

Wherever you are on this, be there.

Your time is coming

I want to acknowledge also that

Change and endings can bring up some strong emotional responses in many of us

Sense of loss



Fear of the unknown

Lack of control

Anxiety / nervousness

Anticipation, even, that we habitually interpret as stress and anxiety

If you are feeling this shifting in the air, and are experiencing any of these things, you are not alone.

Wherever you can, I encourage you to try to simply acknowledge these feelings and stay with it.

You don’t need to fight it or fix it or try to change anything

Simple awareness is often enough to take the edge off these feelings

There is nothing to be afraid of here

It’s all just information…

Tend to your feelings,

but don’t be afraid to do it efficiently

The longer we stare at closed doors, the longer we have our backs to the new openings we have called in for ourselves.

It may be helpful to remember that

When something is ending, it is because its time has come, it has fulfilled its purpose,

something new has already been planted and is sprouting and ready to break ground

in this way, each ending makes way for the new to come in

which is the most natural and perfect part of our evolution

so while there may be sadness for what is on its way out, we can let it go with love and appreciation

knowing that whatever is coming is the next evolution in the path of your life

To all of us – as we are feeling these shifting tides – I encourage us all to lean into this moment

Allow it

Breathe into it

Welcome it

Follow the thoughts and feelings that come

See what they are telling you

Inquire into them

Where are they taking you?

What are they showing you?

How does it feel?

There is no need to rush here, you are riding the tide of your life, ever shifting, ever moving, always forward

If it is moving you swiftly, and you feel comfortable – or better yet, inspired! – go with it

If it is gently bringing you to a new opening, flow with that also

The current is moving in the direction of your growth, development, expansion and evolution

This is always the way with the current of life – even when we don’t feel it, even if we can’t see it from our now perspective

It is always moving toward your wellbeing, your evolution, bringing you closer to your true and greatest self and life experience.

A few areas in particular have been coming up for people -

Relationship to Self is particularly significant right now -

For some of us, we are experiencing a greater desire to know and love ourselves, to come into ourselves in new and deeper ways, our truths surfacing in new areas

For others of us, we are feeling called to growth, expansion, levelling up, coming into deeper alignment,

In either case, many of us are feeling that some aspect of our way of being is coming to an end and that a change is on the horizon

This ending and culmination is around aspects of our selves and lives that are outdated, no longer serving us, or simply not keeping up with this new evolution of our selves

There is a letting go of old beliefs, habits, blocks, resistance, ways of being, sense of ourselves & who we are in the world, old programming and personality aspects that either were never true to begin with or have served their purpose.

This is an exciting of expansion and evolution – coming more fully and wholly into who we are and living in alignment with our true selves and nature.

And again, it is common that some of us will experience some discomfort mingled with the fresh energy, as we are letting go of aspects of ourselves, or versions that we are familiar with, perhaps that have provided safety for us in the past, or that have gotten us through difficult times.

If you are feeling this, you can ease into it slowly if you need to,

Let them go with love, appreciation, and respect for who and how we have been, what we have done and been through, how we have survived and grown.

Another area I’m hearing coming up is around purpose and work – people looking to shift their work, whether it is how they do it, the role they play, or what they are doing – people looking to find – or being called toward – a greater sense of clarity and alignment within their passion & purpose, work that is meaningful and satisfying, or if you are already in it, the next iteration or up level of that

A whole hearted yes to this!

Finally, and not surprisingly, Relationships are also coming up a lot right now, friendships, romantic relationships, partnerships, how we relate to and engage with others more generally – particularly in the realms of healing that needs to happen – and that we are ready to do – to remove blocks, let go of habits, behaviours, patterns that have been keeping us from more authentic and honest connection with others

This is moving us toward being and bringing in more aligned, satisfying, harmonious relationships into our lives, and creating that within the relationships we are in.

Again, all very exciting – this is what we are asking for!

deep, authentic, meaningful, loving relationships.

Though many of us are feeling this impending shift, we are each at different stages in this process

Allow it to unfold in its own time

In YOUR own time

There is no need to jump the queue here, no need to force things or make them happen

Know that they will happen, that they already are

Allow them to unfurl in their own time

Lean into the flow

Trust in your ability to handle what is coming with grace and ease and joy

Know that you have the power to make choices and changes at any point in the path

And that you are in control of your own participation in whatever comes

If you feel inspired to make big moves, make them

If you don’t, just sit with whatever is coming through for you

Things are always working out for you

And wherever you are at in this process, this is part of things working themselves out

I encourage you to feel the energy and excitement of what is coming, stay with that moment, and let it imprint you.

Lean into your trust in yourself, trust in your life, and in your ability to rise to whatever comes your way

The changes that are coming are good, they are exciting, they are bringing you more into alignment with what is real and true and important for you, more into alignment with who you truly are and what you most deeply and honestly desire.

I am genuinely excited to see what is coming next for you.

💖💫 j.

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