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some of us need to break a few times before we truly put ourselves back together in our own image

every time we break

we have the opportunity to rebuild ourselves

the way we were always meant to be

or perhaps,

more accurately,

what is actually breaking

is the image we have been taught and trained

to present of ourselves

If you feel you are breaking right now

perhaps what is really breaking down

is a version of you

that isn't really you anymore.

and every time another aspect of that identity

is shattered

we have an opportunity to uncover

to surface and centre

our authentic selves

the one we have always been, underneath it all

the essence and fullness and beauty of who we truly are

which has been aching to reveal itself

and be seen and known

and loved

by our own selves

in our fullness and glory;

our innate perfection;

infinite worthiness;

and profound lovability

and from that place

of indomitable self-love

show ourselves

to the world

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